
zondag 10 januari 2010

Western shop

This past weeks , i only painted the seilings of my big dollshouse.
So i didn't make pictures of that.
I show you some pictures of a western shop, i made a couple of years ago.
It still need to make some dresses and jackets and other bits.

some clothes and a embroidered pillow

the lady of the shop

a customer

some belts and more

a tippie for the kids

a peak true the window

with the lite's on

I still have to make new letters, i think i have to paint them because this ones don't stick.

8 opmerkingen:

mivionnet zei

What are all these fantastic miniatures!
and entrepreneurship are! I saw the house they're working and is huge! sure you're going to be fantastic!
(I'm also working on some characters and still could not put photos on my blog)
Put pictures of your house when you can, sure to be amazed!

Karina Schaapman zei

I visited your blog many times , I started a blog two weeks ago , maybe you like to see it , kind regards Karina


Anoniem zei
Deze reactie is verwijderd door een blogbeheerder.
Karina Schaapman zei

Hoi Maria wat leuk dat je in Amsterdam woont ik ken niemand in mijn omgeving die hier mee bezig is mischien kunnen we ideetjes uitwisselen

Viajes y Rutas zei

Wowww This shop loos fantastic!

Viajes y Rutas zei

looks fantastic

Sans! zei

I think your shop is very original :). I haven't seen one like yours before :). Very detailed and wonderful work!

cockerina zei

how wonderful! this is the most beautiful store I've seen among all blogs miniaturists!
many compliments!!